GKI – Glucose Ketone Index

This page is for those who like to analyze numbers:  It really helps me to see when I am getting off track and try to correct that.

The GKI (glucose ketone index) is a formula to get one number that you can plot – and see a graph of how you are doing over time.

The GKI will give you peace of mind. It gives you that bigger picture and helps you find that metabolic zone. What you want to do is you is measure your glucose levels and then divide your glucose levels by 18 and then you’re going to divide that number by your ketone levels.

If you’re below a 1 on the GKI, you’re in a therapeutic state of ketosis. Epilepsy, seizure treatment, some cancer treatment, etc. 1 to 3, you’re in a nice, deep state of ketosis. This is great just for optimal ketone production and overall function. And then up to 5, you’re still at a moderate ketone range where you’re doing pretty good overall. Once you get over 9, you’re not in ketosis at all.

  1. Your GKI is glucose divided by 18.  Divide that number by your ketones. If my glucose is 84 and my ketones are 2 – that would be 84/18/2=2.33 – which is high ketosis #2 on list below.
    1. GKI of 3-6 is moderate ketosis – good enough for diabetes
    2. GKI 1-3 is high ketosis – for cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s etc
    3. GKI under 1 is rare but good for the above.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7790697 Dr Thomas Seyfried came up with a ratio for optimal levels of glucose and ketones to fight cancer. (GKI) –

Take Glucose (measure from blood glucose test device) divided by18- it is divided by 18 to change it from mg/dL to mmol so it can be compared with the ketone  which is measured in mmol 

Divide your glucose by your Ketones  from ketone test device.  So, if I keep my blood glucose at 84 – divide that by 18 and I get 4.666 – my optimal ketone level would be 4.6 if my blood glucose is 84 on blood test.  But, I have not done that – so if I

June 8, 2015-  The following article was published in March 2015


The above article has the formula to calculate a “Glucose Ketone Index” ( a ratio of blood glucose to ketones.)  The Glucose Ketone Index  was used to analyze results from 5 previously published reports on how effective the ketogenic diet is in suppressing cancer.

  1. The first study involved 2 children with brain cancer.  During 8 weeks on ketogenic diet, their GKI dropped from 27.5 to .7 in one patient and 1.1 in the other patient.  The children maintained that for the entire 8 weeks and had no chemotherapy.  Both patients went into remission – and remained in remission up until the time of publication – which was 4 years for one and 5 years for the other.
  2. The second study involved a 65 year old woman with brain cancer.  Her GKI went from 37.5 to 1.4 (it took 3 weeks to get there).  She maintained that for 8 weeks and had no discernable brain tumor tissue at the end of 8 weeks.  But she went off the diet and 10 weeks off the diet and her tumor came back.
  3. 3rd study was on mice-  if mice had GKI of 15.2 there was rapid growth of tumor.  If GKI was 3.7 the tumor decreased in size
  4. 4th study was on mice. Mice with GKI of 9.6-70 there was rapid growth of tumor. Mice with GKI of 1.8-4.4 had reduction in size of growth.
  5. 5th – mice with GKI of 32.3 survived 41 days.  Mice with GKI of 5.7 plus they received radiation survived more than 200 days.

It seems that a GKI of 1 is optimal- but that is very difficult to maintain- I have not been able to keep it that low for extended periods.  Blood and ketones should be measured 2-3 hours after last meal.

A normal diet has GKI around 25-35.  I take my ketones and blood glucose every night before bed.  I put those into an excel spreadsheet to find the average GKI for each month- and each year.

2015- average for the year was 2.41.  Coconut oil or MCT oil helps raise ketones

  • Jan ………  1.9
  • Feb………  3.11
  • Mar…….. 2.46
  • April……2.3
  • May…….2.95
  • June……2.12
  • July……. 2.65
  • Aug…..    2.35
  • Sept…..   2.24
  • Oct……   2.28
  • Nov…….2.36
  • Dec…… 2.24

Thoughts at end of 2015 -ketoforce helps, I quit MSG and started smoothies in Sept.  Having coconut oil after every meal helps too. Main thing is that I took blood ketones almost every day


  • Jan…..2.92.
  • Feb….1.62
  • Mar…2.25 – started Sea Cucumber Mar 15
  • April… 2.2
  • May…. 3.29 (not keeping track as well and assuming Sea Cucumber was enough so I could get sloppy
  • June….2.27
  • July….2.38
  • Aug….2.57 – I did a bit of intermittent fasting in 2nd half month
  • Sept… 2.77 kidney numbers fantastic
  • Oct….2.11 – skipping breakfast seems to make this possible.
  • Nov…3.48 – got flu for 4-5 days diarrhea. My cancer markers spiked by Nov 28 blood test!
  • Dec…2.67

Thoughts after 2016.

  1. I ran out of keto strips and didn’t take blood ketones as regularly- I think taking them regularly is important.
  2. My cancer numbers spiked when my GKI was high in Nov
  3. intermittent fasting seems to help keep GKI low.
  4. Plan for 2017- go back to measuring blood ketones more often at night. keep up the coconut oil & MCT oil and keep protein down to 2 oz per meal, keep up intermittent fasting.(skip breakfast)
  5. Watch the GKI.

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